Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380

A few years back, Smith and Wesson introduced a new line of personal protection handguns called the Bodyguard.  Two guns were part of that initial launch:  a polymer framed .38 Special and a .380 ACP semiautomatic.  Both guns came equipped with laser sights from the factory and were reasonably priced.

I've never owned a S&W pistol before, but I was intrigued.  Could the Bodyguard 380 be the gun I needed for concealed carry?  I wasn't sure, but I was excited.  I had been carrying much bulkier guns at that time, and was hoping to find something easier to carry.

I had looked at the Kahr pistols, and liked them, but I did not like the price tag.  They seemed nice, but just very expensive.  Conversely, the S&W Bodyguard was relatively cheap - especially when you add in the laser sight that would be an extra purchase with the Kahr.

So, I took the plunge and ordered a Bodyguard from my local dealer.  These things were so popular that no one had them in stock.  Can you believe it?  Ha!  I ordered the gun, sight unseen.

Well, things worked out pretty good for me.  The gun arrived in less than a month and it has been everything I hoped it would be.  It is a good shooter and is very reliable.  I've only had one jam and tha was with some cheap reloads I bought at the local shop.  All of my hollow points feed through the gun just fine.

So, I hope to get a lot of life out of this gun.  I know I have met some S&W owners who say they have gotten years of service out of their Bodyguard 380 pistols with thousands of rounds shot.  I'm not there yet, but I am working on it!


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